Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky | window OCR: Features Benefits Sinultaneors file acceas by Enables -in tabs:. S2NT[.] of inuluiple: users acministration offices -to share the s:ime documents and I mulilaunch applicalions withou leaving their desks -... Las intomation acceys Requires liule training: accessing irfur- matiot storex 11 the server asy as morking with local disk ..... 1>iskless stirup for Apple Ieand Lsers at Apple Ile and Apple IIes Apple 11c5 tvorkstations can stait up : frr the Apple- 'disk. Share fle wi out using a local Teachers don't have to . distriluleaund manige floppy support : tor multiple Apple 11, Macintosh, and MS-DOS user's workstation operating systenw can share ink nration storer on the Apple- Share file server File servicr' that' Iransparcnt tothe For ProDOS* users workstatinn user Apple I1 syS[cm utiliti ...